City of Dublin ETB Adult Education Service Finglas and Cabra

EMAIL   |   PHONE 01 - 8348018
WHATS APP / TEXT 086 013 8147
CDETB Adult Education Service, Barry Rd. Finglas. Dublin 11 D11 CDR9

Dyslexia Strategies

A Course for Adults with Dyslexia

This is a FREE programme designed for adults with dyslexia.

Groups are small with 4-6 people. Classes are delivered in a friendly and encouraging environment.


Weds, Thurs, Friday – 11am-1pm

The program is suitable for adults of all ages with a diagnosis of dyslexia. If you do not have a diagnosis screening for Dyslexia will take place before classes begins

On this programme students will learn how to

  • Read more fluently and with better understanding
  • Get ideas down on paper and improve summarising skills
  • Plan and structure pieces of writing from sentences to essays
  • Improve spelling skills and develop vocabulary
  • Exploring how technology can help

This programme is suitable for adults who did not finish school but would like to continue to further education.


by contacting or by filling out the registration form

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